Our initial ideas
We first thought that we should all come up with our own ideas on what we thought we should do. Each of us then explained our ideas to one another. Our main ones were; being chased through a forest but this was a particularly basic idea which required further context. A hacker in a dark room using a computer and there's a sudden knock on the door, he goes to open the door but notices there is something on his computer. He clicks on it and the camera goes fuzzy and he becomes disorientated. He then has an epiphany or he sees the future of what happens if he opens the door. Our third idea was a dystopian setting in a dark sewer but we needed to develop this further. Our last idea was an insane indiviual alone in a secret nuclear bunker. He goes crazy and thinks the manequins are real people but again, the idea needs more elaboration though.
We are all going to chip in with the video. We will decide who is doing what aspect such as editing, acting, mise en scene etc. We will try to split up the work and give eachother equal amounts to do so that everyone pulls their weight. We have each been given certain tasks to do for every lesson that we will fulfill for the good of the group.
We will also be looking for more inspiration for our ideas and we will be watching more thrillers. Thrillers with computer hacking will be the ideal things to watch but due to the lack of them it will make it more difficult for ideas. This is a help and a hinderance to us however because we can create a more original thriller because we will know what has already been done.
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