Because I have edited before using music to enhance the experience of the film. I used a website called This site gives royalty free music as long as you credit the man who created the site and all the music provided. His name is Kevin Mcleud.
He provides every type of music you could possibly want to use that is free. You can also buy his music that he has created but for copyright purposes we are using the link called "royalty free music". The site gives you quick and easy access to the type of music that is essential to you. There is a check list at the site of the screen which provides the user with all kinds of options. Ticking the check list and pressing search will allow you to find music that has those categories in it's description, the song may have other categories tagged to it but the more specific you make it the less variables you will get.
Because we are creating a horror thriller I used categories such as dark, unnerving and mysterious to give the audience a sense of feeling. You can use combinations such as bouncy, bright and epic to give you a much happier feeling. It all depends on what music is right for your film.
We have many candidates for our film such as penumbra, hush and evening of chaos. They all create the creepy feeling that we are striving for. There are also sound stings that are available to use but they aren't what we are looking for for our film and so they won't be used in our production.