Monday 21 April 2014

Evaluation activity 4. who would be the audience for our media product?

A teenage "tom boy" girl                      


Her interests  include:                                           
  • Social networking                                                     
  • Going to the cinema                                        
  •  Playing sport                                                             
  • Video games to an extent                                                                                    
  • Going out shopping with friends 
  • Going to "indie" concerts with friends 
She would enjoy programmes such as Primeval due to the fact that it is a new idea and makes the audience think.   it is also an idea that seems plausible to the  people watching like our film because technology  has come along way over the past few years. She would shop at places such as Topshop if she went out but she mainly shops online due to the practicality  and the better variety you can get. Her purchases would include things such as band t-shirts. Her music tastes would be bands such as Hadouken  as they are not a mainstream group but have a large following and are what people would call an indie band

 An older middle aged stereotypical "nerd"

His interests would include:
  • Conventions such as comic con
  • Playing pc games like World Of Warcraft
  • Collecting figurines
  • He would like films such as Star Wars and the matrix                     
 His favourite type of programme would  be something like "lost" because it really engages the viewer on an intelectual   scale as he would be an intelectual person. He would shop at places like Game, he   would buy clothes from places such as  Next. He would mainly buy things from    online stores however because it is the  easiest place to get hold of the things he likes, especially action figures. His  music interests would be things such   as the soundtracks from famous films like star wars and the batman

They would have as many common interests as they do different interests. Some of the ones I have mentioned along with others such as preferring things such as staying in and watching a film rather than going out. Alot of people like films that they can relate to and if people are into a film about computers an hacking. The chances are they would be into computing themselves, maybe not being fraudulent but they would know their fair share about the cyber world. My two examples of our target audience are no different. They relate to the film and therefore enjoy it.

Saturday 19 April 2014

Evaluation 2- How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Hacker/V for Vendetta

The mask- This was used to hide the hacker’s appearance and show his desire to hide his face showing that the reason behind this desire must be one of malicious intent. This made the antagonist a terrifying enigma to the audience and also showed how he does not conform to normal social groups putting him in the social group of outcasts and misfits. The reason behind v’s mask is also to show how he too lives outside the normal accepted terms of society, the mask similarly reflects v’s malicious ideals in regards to the state by covering his identity. The character V in V for Vendetta does in fact murder people as does our antagonist. Finally the mask does convey a sophisticated intelligence for the character, in V’s instance this is backed up by his moral compass and extensive vocabulary clear signs reinforces of his characters intelligence where as our antagonists fits into this social group through manipulation. He uses the tools of the modern world fir his own personal gain. The cunning and devious trickery of both characters is shown through the masks sharp features and the slight smirk permanently plastered on it.

The hoodie/dark clothing- the black hoodie is a contemporary piece of clothing, it is commonly worn in today's society showing how this threat is rooted in reality. The dark colour is similar to 'V's' choice since it is appropriate to reflect the murderous manipulative actions both characters take due to the wide known connotations of black and evil. A difference here however is despite the colour and the clothing V wears he is in fact the hero of the production, where as our character has stuck to the more typical stereotype of creating a sinister horrific character.





Our Protagonist/Truman from The Truman Show

though the attire of these 2 characters aren't similar in terms of exact article choice they both portray the same link to reality that the audience requires to understand the film. It's through these characters eyes that the audience will see concieve the events that take place. This is shown through the style of clothing since the characters wear non distinguishable clothes, ones that fit within the realms of accepted fashion and adhere to the types of attire that are socially acceptable. Some differences between the characters is that truman is obviously older with his choice of shirts and tie where as our protagonist clad in a crew neck jumper. One similarity thats obvious in these images is that they are both carrying bags, the reason behind this choice of prop is  to symbolise how they're are unknown factors about these characters and since the bag is never shown to be open it shows how even the character themselves is unaware of these secrets. The secret in both cases is that they're being watched, however in the truman show there is a less malicious and murderous intent from the spectators then there is with our Hacker thriller.